6 months with a new whip!

It’s time! While Kheira is still learning to crawl – Nana (what my mum decided for her to be called by Kheira) bought Kheira her first walker for her 6 months! HAPPY 6 MONTHS Love! I know its suppose to be crawling first before walking, but it is positively cute! I love the face she makes when she sees something new, shiny or full of lights. The amazement in her face and the was she looks at me – if she could talk she would’ve said, “Mommy what is this amazing thing??!?”


Daddy teared up a little when this lil’ one got in her walker. I probably would have but my moment was different; mine was pure of excitement! “She’s going to learn how to walk!” It’s a big step and her first part of independence. Huhuhu… now mommy feels like crying 😦  Every month that goes by she gets bigger, longer, smarter and more aware of her surroundings. Now that she’s six (6) months Kheira is slowly learning what she likes and what she doesn’t like. The sounds we make when we’re doing things or talking, music around her from the tv and her toys – they’re slowly making their way into her vocabulary of  “blah, blah, blaah, blaaah, gaah, gaaah..”  Of course you know what I meant by ‘her vocabulary’ – her baby talk.


Though she can’t fully crawl yet she does crawl backwards and does (a lot) of barrel rolls.  I cannot leave her alone anymore. Changing nappies involves her hands and feet now. Everything she grabs makes their way on the floor. Eating is so messy and I think she thinks she can already feed herself with her spoon.

In my opinion, these are the most exciting months of having a baby. Learning the important fundamentals into becoming a toddler! I still feel sad sometimes knowing I won’t have a baby for too long, but I have this exhilarating feeling of excitement seeing her grow and change. As a new mum I’m still catching up into understanding more about raising a child, but I’m experiencing every little details of Kheira first hand and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can tell she’s going to be talkative and a rambunctious lil’ girl.  She’s definitely one of a kind!


Oh, Kheira, darling mommy cannot wait what you’ll be able to do next month! 

Don’t forget to always be a blessing to others! xx


10 thoughts on “6 months with a new whip!

  1. Maan Laxa says:

    How adorable! Some kids actually skip the crawling phase (I think my son did). But I guess, since she’s only 6 months old, she shouldn’t be in the walker often? Not sure though!


  2. msbolin says:

    my five-month old Yael would prefer to stand still (with my help, of course) than crawl. with how the things are doing, it seems he will learn to walk first than crawl. but whatever happens first, this mama just cant wait. i can super relate with what youre feeling for your cute Kheira.


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