MommyFeels… Deja Vu


Since I have announced that we’re having another one on the way I can start blogging about my pregnancy! This is something I didn’t get to do when I was pregnant with Kheira because it was my first and I was so focused and careful as every month went by. Now, on my second trimester as of this Monday, I’m more aware of WHAT IT REALLY FEELS to be pregnant. *FYI. Picture is from my last pregnancy Lol

With the joys of pregnancy comes its reality. Let’s not sugar coat it. Being pregnant can have its downside – don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying being pregnant is bad. Its the most beautiful thing in the world, but it comes with a price. As a woman you sacrifice your physical self, but at the same time reap its rewards. Though with that reward, again, the price to pay is quite a handful especially with what our body is and will be going through for the next nine months.

To be honest, my first pregnancy was a breeze. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to be pregnant. I barely had morning sickness, had very little nausea, and I remember I had a lot of energy to keep our condo in order and then some. Vaughn couldn’t keep me off my feet.  The toughie was when my belly got big and I got heavy, walking around was a challenge. And now, with this pregnancy – I feel everything!

Here is a chart I made to express my feelings to further understand what I’m going through…

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Though if I can sum up how I truly feel with this pregnancy in one word, it would be, ‘uncomfortable’. That’s how I feel most of the time, especially at night.

Despite all these symptoms, pains and me being less me during this pregnancy, I have 27 weeks left ’til I see this little miracle and I’m more than ecstatic! Care to share your pregnancy story? I would love to hear them! 


Be a blessing to others! xx


Kharla Ramos-Canta

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