More than my Best Nine


Last year #Instagram came up with the “best nine” that compiled your pictures with the most likes.  My best nine looked incredible right? Its like I made it myself! They knew exactly what pictures to put together. I love it. This year though they didn’t have one. I was looking forward to it and I’m sure everybody else was too.

But nevertheless… I compiled my own, but its definitely MORE than nine!


This year was full of FIRSTS! It was the year Kheira started to grow by the minute! She took her first steps, she had her first birthday, the first time we met my husband’s family, first time to celebrate a lot of occasions overseas, and many more to elaborate.



The highlight of my year was when my son was born, my cousin surprising me at my baby shower and seeing my mum who got to spend thanksgiving with us. It was like a little piece of home that made me less homesick.


2017 will be amazing. I can already tell. This year will be full of my babies growing up. A lot of first for Khayden. And ate Kheira will be there to help him along the way. After all, she’s been down the road he’s about to take! Juggling two babies growing up will be crazy because this year is also the year mommy will start to TRY and get back in the work force! Whew! This is gonna be one heck of a ride! Bring it on 2017!

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Be a blessing to others! xx


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