Breast is Best!



I want you all to meet my new best friend – my Medela Swing Pump! My lil’ bundle of joy is here and I just can’t get enough of giving her all the nutrients and vitamins from my breastmilk.

You should know that there are a lot of information out there regarding breastfeeding, and all of them has wonderful things to say about it. There may be people who will tell you about the downside/ disadvantages of it, but its mostly towards the mother and not the baby. And its usually superficial, i.e. sore breasts, cracked nipples, or the pain being unbearable blah blah blah – Just always remember: breastfeeding isn’t for you. It’s for your little miracle!

I, for one, is ecstatic about breastfeeding. Two best things about it (in my opinion is) It’s Nature’s BEST and IT’S FREE! You don’t have to spend for the BEST milk God has given you to provide for your little one. It was so amazing seeing her latch for the very first time. I swear I thought she read a manual, while inside my belly, on ‘how to get milk from mommy’s breast’. She was my lil’ pro!

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I’m so grateful for my new friend, Maricel Cua of The Parenting Emporium (formerly known as Medela House). They have been helping me throughout my breastfeeding adventure.

Though we did have our ups and downs, starting with the first week my Kheira came home. She suddenly wasn’t latching on me AT ALL. Like she totally forgot how to breastfeed after being in the hospital. This went on for the whole week. I was very sad and heartbroken. I thought that that was it and she was done! It hasn’t even been at least a month!

Because of the help and support of Maricel, and the rest of the Parenting Emporium family I learned a lot from their breastfeeding workshop/seminar. Plus they really help you out even with the most ludicrous questions you have in mind. It’s amazing how much they can teach you and what you can learn from them. I highly recommend going there and experiencing it first hand.

I would elaborate every single thing I learned from them, but that would just save you guys the adventure of actually sitting down and absorbing all the information yourself. Plus, it’s a good way to also educate your husbands/ partners in this experience. Yes, they need to be there! The dads also need to know their part in breastfeeding. He will be your best support system in time of need. Sometimes information overload can happen and when its too much for you- he can be the other half of your brain. Well, in my case that was where my fiancé stepped in and I’m glad he was there to be part of it as well. I believe it made him understand more of what I’m going through with the process of pregnancy.

Thank you Medela Philippines (Maricel and Beng)  for helping me with my first ever breastfeeding experience! Still going strong because of you guys! ♥

Remember to always get fitted so that when you’re pumping it fit right and its comfortable because those are key into giving your baby your breastmilk for a longer term! ♥

If any of you reading this, residing in the Manila, Philippines, and you are embarking on your breastfeeding journey I highly recommend checking them out for yourself. Any questions or want to have more information about breastfeeding;  schedule a visit at The Parenting Emporium ( formerly known as The Medela House/Moms) They also offers classes for first-time mommies (like me!), breastfeeding 101, lamaze classes, and many more! Don’t hesitate to reach them!

 The Parenting Emporium, contact them:

Tel. no. 725-3723/ 09175614366 

Email theparentingemporium@gmailcom

Find them on Facebook

Also don’t forget to add them on Instagram @TheParentingEmporium


Be a blessing to others! xx

Kharla Ramos-Canta

Kharla Ramos-Canta

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